Social Media Policy

ALS Social Media Guidance/Policy

The purpose of this social media policy is to provide guidance to qualified and trainee lipspeakers, making recommendations on how they should conduct themselves online. The lines between personal and professional social media activity can sometimes become blurred and we hope that these guidelines will assist.

The popularity of social media has soared in recent years, providing a more accessible platform for hearing, deaf and hard of hearing communities. Social media has proven to be a tool of social change, where people can freely engage and express themselves. Unfortunately, sometimes people behave very differently in this forum than they would in a face-to-face setting.

This guide is intended to outline what potentially is, and is not acceptable behaviour, when using social media, in order to maintain the professional reputation of lipspeakers. It should be read in conjunction with the ALS and NRCPD codes of conduct.

Social media moves fast and is evolving all the time, therefore this is a living document which will require frequent updates.

What is social media?
Social media refers collectively but is not limited to, the use of any online or mobile form of communication e.g. websites, forums, blogs, vlogs, texts, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, LinkedIn, Tumblr and YouTube.

Social media is an effective way to raise the awareness of lipspeakers and reach a wider audience instantly. Used appropriately, it can significantly enhance our profession. However, anyone using social media should do so with caution. We need to consider the impact of our posting, along with its effect on our profession. Before we type, before we post, before we respond, we all need to spend a little more time and T H I N K. Is it:

True | Helpful | Inspiring | Necessary | Kind

(Taken from @AntiBullyingPro).

Social media can be an ideal platform through which to promote awareness, share industry news, resources and CPD opportunities, build professional relationships, network and promote accessible events.

  • Always maintain a high level of professionalism when using social media.
  • Online posts, comments and texts should be factual and truthful.
  • Be mindful of the effects your posting will have on others.
  • Only post what you would say in a face-to-face meeting.
  • Consider your personal and professional presence online and how one may affect the other.
  • Be aware that anything posted may be difficult to delete and possibly visible forever.

Agencies, organisations and colleagues may only use a lipspeaker’s image for promotional purposes, after seeking the lipspeaker’s permission.

A working lipspeaker should not be filmed without their absolute consent. Videos should never be uploaded onto social media without prior consent of the lipspeaker and the deaf person/s within the video.

Lipspeakers should consider having their own social media clause within their terms & conditions.

Refrain from:

  • Posting specific or implied details of an assignment e.g. time, location, clients name. Respect the client’s privacy.
  • Posting negative, intimidating or bullying personal comments regarding a fellow lipspeaker, agency, or deaf related organisation, persons, activities or events.
  • Bringing the profession into disrepute.

The ALS would hope that in order to maintain professional behavior, even on personal pages/accounts and groups that no member would block another member from their social media account, for the sole purpose of hiding their comments. Restricting a person’s viewing does not guarantee their posting will not be seen through other channels.


It is impossible to monitor all social media. If a lipspeaker discovers there is a social media posting that misrepresents their work, qualifications or makes slanderous allegations damaging to their reputation, they should initially approach the author and ask them to remove or rectify the post. Failure to remove the offending material by the said author will result in the ALS moderator removing it themselves on the ALS’ social media (where possible).

Disregarding this guidance

  • Any ALS member or associate who blatantly disregards the advice given in this guidance will be contacted by the Chair.
  • Persistent offenders risk being blocked from ALS social media platforms and their membership will be reviewed by the committee.

August 2019